
Should I Get a Lawyer For a Minor Car Accident? 

A minor car accident, often referred to as a "fender bender," typically involves situations where the damage to the vehicle, property, or person is not extensive or serious. However, some injuries are not immediately visible, which is why it is best to be careful and speak to a lawyer when in doubt.
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Car accidents are an unfortunate and all too common occurrence on Texan roads. While some are more serious, minor car accidents are often considered a mere annoyance. However, what many fail to realize is that even seemingly minor accidents can have lasting effects on victims. Beyond the physical injuries, there can be mental anguish and other losses that may not be immediately visible or quantifiable but can add up over time.

In such situations, hiring a car accident lawyer can provide crucial assistance. While you may think that your minor accident does not warrant the need for legal representation, a car accident lawyer can help walk you through the circumstances of your case to see if it may or may not make sense to pursue compensation for any losses arising from the incident.

Here at DFW Injury Lawyers, we understand the confusion and questions that come with being in a Texas car accident. Contact us today for a free legal consultation and let us help you navigate through this stressful situation with confidence.

Key Takeaways

  • Minor car accidents may cause injuries and symptoms that do not appear immediately after the accident.
  • A Texas car accident lawyer can help you determine whether you are eligible for compensation.
  • If you qualify to file a lawsuit, a skilled car accident attorney from DFW Injury Lawyers can help you hold responsible parties accountable for your injuries and losses.


What is Considered a Minor Car Accident?

A minor car accident, often referred to as a “fender bender,” typically involves situations where the damage to the vehicle, property, or person is not extensive or serious. In Texas where a car crash was reported every 57 seconds in 2022, minor car accidents are very common. Examples include a minor rear-end collision at a stop sign, a scrape against a guardrail, or a low-speed accident in a parking lot. Although these instances may seem trivial, it’s worth noting that the absence of severe immediate injuries does not necessarily equate to no injuries.

Whether a car crash is minor or major is often determined by its aftermath rather than the immediate visible damage. Many victims of minor car accidents report delayed symptoms such as whiplash, headaches, and back pain. Therefore, regardless of the initial perception of the accident’s severity, it is recommended to get a medical checkup promptly after the incident.

“Some people think a minor car accident is no big deal. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, after any accident a person is faced with a number of challenges that interrupt his or her daily life. For example, after even a minor accident, people must deal with being late for work or an appointment, having their car towed, dealing with a rental car, dealing with a repair shop, finding proper medical treatment, and worst of all…dealing with an insurance adjuster who doesn’t give a damn about any of it. So, even if you or the adjuster thinks the accident is “minor,” it is important that you hire DFW Injury Lawyers to handle the insurance adjuster and all of the issues that arise after an accident while you focus on healing and getting back to your regular life.” — Founding Partner Kevin L. Edwards

Minor Car Accident Injuries

While minor car accidents are less severe, they may still cause injuries that result in short-term and long-term impacts on your health. Some minor accident injuries may not manifest immediately and may only become apparent over time, including:

  • Minor head injuries, concussion, and headaches: Even a slight jolt can cause a concussion or minor head injury. Symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, confusion, or memory issues may not appear until later, making these injuries easy to overlook immediately after a crash.
  • Neck pain, back pain, and whiplash: These are common injuries in car accidents, no matter how minor. Whiplash, in particular, can lead to chronic pain if not addressed promptly. According to a study published by the National Institute of Health, up to 50 percent of individuals involved in a low-speed accident report lower back pain.
  • Lacerations: Broken glass or sharp edges can cause cuts, scrapes, and lacerations, which could become infected if not properly treated.
  • Soft tissue injuries: The impact of a car accident can cause injuries to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, even in minor accidents. These injuries often cause discomfort and may limit mobility.
  • Internal injuries: Despite the low force in a minor car accident, there is still a risk of internal injuries, particularly if the person has pre-existing health conditions.
  • Bruised ribs: The seatbelt or steering wheel can cause bruised ribs during an accident. This can lead to severe pain and difficulty in breathing.
  • Sprained ankles and wrists: During a crash, your body’s natural reaction is to brace for impact, which can result in sprained ankles or wrists.
  • Swelling, tingling, weakness, and numbing: These symptoms may indicate nerve damage or other serious issues and should not be ignored.
  • Other injuries: A minor accident may still cause flying debris that can injure people in the vehicle.
  • Emotional distress, anxiety, and fear: A car accident, even a minor one, can have psychological effects. Symptoms like anxiety, fear, and sleep disturbances are common and may require help from a therapist.
A badly dented car
A person speaking to a therapist
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What to Do After a Minor Car Accident

Even seemingly minor car accidents can be disorienting. If you have been in a minor car accident, it is important to remain calm and take the following steps:

  • Call the police and provide an honest report of the accident: Regardless of the accident’s severity, it’s always a good idea to call the police and document the incident. By providing an honest and detailed report, you establish an official record of the accident, which could be vital for potential legal and insurance disputes.
  • Exchange relevant information with the other party: Secure the other driver’s contact information, license plate number, insurance details, as well as any other info that may seem useful.
  • Get a full body check-up done as soon as possible: Minor accidents can still lead to injuries that may not be immediately apparent. You should get an immediate head-to-toe assessment to catch any hidden injuries and treat them on time.
  • Keep all documents, like medical bills and car repair receipts: These records are critical in providing a clear and concise picture of the financial impact of the accident.
  • Understand the scope of your losses: This includes the physical, emotional, and financial toll the accident may have taken on you and your loved ones. Losses such as pay cuts or lost wages, psychological trauma, and chronic pain should not be taken lightly. If you are eligible to file a lawsuit, a car accident lawyer can help you assess all of your losses.
  • Do not speak to an insurance agent or other party’s lawyer without being fully informed of your rights: Insurance companies are often interested in minimizing payouts to maintain their profit margins. Knowing your rights can help you avoid inadvertently accepting less compensation than you deserve.

Do not share anything on a public forum: Discussing the accident on social media or other public platforms can have unintended legal consequences. To protect your interests, it’s advisable to keep details of the accident and its aftermath private.

What is the Average Settlement for a Minor Car Accident?

Calculating an average settlement for a minor car accident is challenging due to the varying factors that influence the final amount, including the extent of injuries, damage to the vehicle, medical expenses, lost wages, and even emotional distress. Each case is unique and the car accident settlement amount can greatly differ from one case to another.

While a minor fender-bender with minimal damage and no injuries might settle for a few hundred to a thousand dollars, an accident causing whiplash or other soft tissue injuries could potentially result in a settlement in the range of several thousands of dollars. Additionally, having an experienced attorney file a minor car accident lawsuit can greatly impact the settlement amount. It is important to remember that every case is different, and not even your lawyer will be able to accurately predict the outcome of your car accident lawsuit.

It’s important to note that an insurance company’s initial offer may not fully compensate you for your losses. This is why if you were injured, a Texas car accident lawyer can be your biggest ally in negotiating a fair settlement amount and getting you the money you deserve.

When Should You Call a Car Accident Lawyer?

There are several situations that warrant calling a car accident lawyer for help. If you were injured in a crash and believe the other party was more than 50% at fault for the accident, you should consider contacting a car accident lawyer to at least review the details of your accident. If the accident resulted in injuries and specific losses (economic and/or non-economic) and the other party’s insurance company is employing tactics to dodge payout or minimize your compensation, it can be wise to have an experienced lawyer take over.

Also, if the other party has hired a lawyer to represent their interests, it might make sense for you to do the same. This is because even though the arguments seem to be based on standard facts, there could be legal intricacies that you may overlook or miss, which an attorney can identify to establish liability. Having a car accident lawyer by your side can ensure your interests are protected.

On the other hand, if you haven’t sustained any injuries, hiring an attorney might not be necessary. Each situation is unique, and the decision to hire a lawyer should be based on the specific circumstances of your case.

How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help Me After a Minor Car Accident?

After a car accident, the last thing you want to do is fight legal battles. A car crash attorney can take over the reins and help assess the full scope of your damages, both visible and hidden, so you can get a fair settlement commensurate with your losses. They can quantify losses such as medical expenses, loss of earnings, and pain and suffering, as well as handle communications with all parties, including insurers. They can also use their expertise to deftly work through stressful and complex legal proceedings, allowing you to focus on your recovery instead of paperwork and deadlines.

In situations where fault may be disputed or where the other party is uncooperative or represented by their lawyer, having a legal representative can provide peace of mind and a stronger negotiating position.

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Should I Get a Lawyer For a Minor Car Accident: FAQs

1. Do you call 911 for a minor car accident?

While it might seem extreme to call 911 for a minor car accident, it’s good practice to report every accident to the police. It helps establish an official record, which can be crucial during insurance claims or potential legal disputes. However, if there are no injuries and the cars can be safely moved, it may be more appropriate to call a non-emergency police phone number.

2. Do you have to call the police after a minor car accident?

While it’s not legally required in every case to report an accident to the police, it’s generally a good idea to do so. Having a police report can be beneficial in case a dispute arises with the other party or the insurance company. A police report serves as a record of the incident, providing details about the damage and injuries, if any. However, while reporting a minor car accident to the police, use non-emergency police lines if no one appears to be in immediate danger.

3. Should I go to the hospital after a minor car accident?

While rushing to the hospital may not be necessary after a minor car accident, it’s highly recommended to visit a doctor promptly. Some injuries might not surface immediately and a professional medical examination can ensure any hidden injuries are identified early. Therefore, even if you feel perfectly fine post-accident, do make it a point to consult with a healthcare provider and if needed, a mental health expert as well.

4. What to do in a minor car accident with no damage?

It is important to follow proper steps in a minor car accident with no visible damage. First, ensure everyone’s safety and move vehicles out of traffic, as much as possible. Next, contact the police to create an official record. Then, exchange contact and insurance information with the other party. After that, document the incident with photos and notes detailing the event and conversations. Finally, notify your insurance company about the accident and speak to a car accident lawyer to clarify doubts. This can protect you if hidden damage is later discovered or if the other party attempts to claim injuries or damage.

5. Do I have to report a minor car accident to my insurance?

It’s generally advised to inform your insurance company even for minor accidents. Reporting doesn’t necessarily translate to filing a lawsuit, but it does establish a record of the incident. Some policies require notification of any incident, regardless of severity. Failing to report could complicate things if the other party decides to file a claim or if hidden damages surface later. Review your specific policy or consult with a legal professional to ensure you’re following all necessary protocols.

6. Should you admit fault in a minor car accident?

Admitting fault in a car accident, whether minor or major, is generally not recommended. It’s crucial to stay calm and avoid making statements that could be interpreted as an admission of guilt. While you should provide an honest account of the events to the police, avoid speculating who was at fault and by what degree. There may be legal factors you aren’t aware of, so any admission of guilt could complicate a potential claim. When in doubt, consult with a car accident lawyer.

7. Can you get PTSD from a minor car accident?

Yes, even minor car accidents can lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This psychological condition can develop after any traumatic event, including car accidents, and is characterized by intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Symptoms can include persistent, intrusive memories of the accident; heightened arousal or anxiety; difficulty sleeping; flashbacks; and/or irritability. Always consult with a mental health professional if you’re concerned about your mental health following an accident.

8. Can you get whiplash from a minor car accident?

Absolutely, whiplash can occur from a minor car accident. This is because an abrupt jerking motion can happen even during a low-speed collision. Whiplash typically affects the neck and spine and can lead to discomfort, stiffness, headaches, nausea, or dizziness. As symptoms of whiplash may not immediately present themselves, it is best to talk to a healthcare provider after an accident. You might also want to consult with a lawyer if you’re experiencing whiplash after a minor accident to see if you may be eligible for compensation.

9. What kind of lawyer do I need for a car accident?

For car accidents, minor or major, you need a personal injury lawyer who specializes in handling cases that involve injuries and damages resulting from crashes. Personal injury lawyers are well-versed in negotiating with insurance companies, determining the full extent of your losses, and fighting for your rights to fair compensation. They also have extensive knowledge of state and federal laws related to car accidents, which is critical in presenting a strong case.

Contact DFW Injury Lawyers to See if You Qualify to File a Car Accident Lawsuit

Are you in need of strong legal representation? Turn to DFW Injury Lawyers for help. Our exceptional track record demonstrates our dedication to our clients in securing them the compensation they need after an accident. We go over and beyond, always prioritizing your interests and making sure you are aware of each step in the process. We have extensive resources to back us up, and will not charge anything until you win.

Contact us today and let our team help determine if you may be eligible to file a minor car accident lawsuit.

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