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Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

A top Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer can help you understand whether you have the legal and factual basis to file a motorcycle accident lawsuit in Dallas.
A person riding a bike on the street
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Texas is one of the most dangerous states for car accidents. Dallas itself is notorious for having some of the most dangerous roads in the state. In 2022, Dallas saw a total of 212 fatal car accidents, resulting in 228 fatalities, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

Traversing Dallas is dangerous for drivers, but it’s even more of a concern for motorcyclists.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, bikers are about 24 times more likely to suffer fatal injuries in an accident than people in traditional vehicles.

At the same time, motorcyclists are also about four times more likely to suffer from injuries.

A Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer at DFW Injury Lawyers understands the mental, physical, and financial toll a motorcycle accident can take on the victim and their family. Our dedicated team is passionate about ensuring that Dallas riders get paid for injuries caused due to somebody else’s negligence, and are here to help you seek justice.

Key Takeaways

  • Dallas is one of the most dangerous cities in the country for motorcyclists.
  • Drunk, distracted, and reckless driving are among the common causes of motorcycle accidents.
  • A Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer can help you identify the potentially liable parties and pursue the compensation you need following an accident.

What is Dallas Like for Motorcycle Drivers?

Bikers from all over are drawn to the Dallas-Fort Worth area for its man-made lakes, hills, prairie, and other scenic views.

Once you hit the city itself, though, the traffic makes the roadways a very dangerous place for bikers. For the past several years, Dallas has routinely been cited as one of the least motorcycle-friendly cities to ride in. Despite the downsides, plenty of bikers still ride on Dallas roads. In 2021, there were 343,292 registered motorcycles in the state of Texas.

The city of Dallas is more dangerous than other areas for bikers due to the following factors:

  • Heavy traffic due to the large size of the city
  • Lack of proper signage and confusing interchanges and intersections
  • Tourists unfamiliar with the area
  • Speed limits that are not strictly followed
  • Reckless driving
  • Weather conditions

Dallas, Texas Motorcycle Laws: What to Know

Riding in Dallas, TX can be a lot safer if everyone is aware of the motorcycle laws of the state and makes it a point to follow them. Here are a few common safety tips that all Dallas motorcyclists should keep in mind:

  • Limit your distractions
  • Know where you’re going in advance (try not to use a GPS while riding)
  • Stay vigilant and alert
  • Try to move with the flow of the traffic
  • Ride defensively when there is heavy traffic
  • Take extra precautions within the city
  • Avoid rush hour
  • Minimize lane changes
  • Keep up with bike maintenance

Helmet Laws in Dallas

About 39% of fatal motorcycle injuries in 2022 were the direct result of not wearing a protective helmet at the time of the crash.

If you’re riding a motorcycle, then it’s always the safest option to wear a helmet which is approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation and meets the requirements under the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 218. If you are above 21 years of age and have taken an approved motorcycle operator training course or purchased motorcycle accident medical insurance coverage, then you can ride without a helmet.

However, remember that just because it is legal to ride without a helmet under certain conditions, does not mean it is safe or advisable. If you get into a bike crash while not wearing a helmet, then it is very likely that your injuries and losses will be severe. Also, the lack of such protective gear can make any motorcycle accident claim more difficult to pursue. In other words, the total overall amount of compensation you might be eligible to receive may be reduced based on your level of negligence, such as the lack of a helmet. This is why it is best to consult with a skilled accident injury attorney for help so you can collectively strategize on how to move forward with your accident claim.

Motorcycle License Rules

To legally operate a motorcycle in Texas, you first need to obtain a Class M driver’s license. You will need to first meet all the requirements necessary to get a driver’s license. Generally, first-timers need to take an approved motorcycle safety course first and receive a certificate of completion. You must bring this certificate to the driver’s license office to obtain your official license. If you’re coming from out of state, then you only need to produce your motorcycle license from the other state to get approved.

While you may think that taking a safety course is unnecessary, it does appear to save lives. Statistics show that about 36% of drivers fatally injured in motorcycle accidents in the country did not have a valid motorcycle license.

Lane Splitting in Texas

Lane splitting happens when a biker takes advantage of a bike’s small size and illegally maneuvers their way through traffic. This type of move is also called “white lining” because bikers often travel on either the white line or the mid-yellow line to squeeze between vehicles that are legally taking up their space on the road. Lane splitting can happen when traditional traffic is stopped or when everyone is in motion.

Either way, it’s considered illegal in Texas.

If an accident happens as a result of lane splitting, then the biker will likely be held partially responsible for the crash, limiting their total compensation.

Dallas School Zone Rules

According to the city of Dallas, a school zone is defined as any section of roadway that is adjacent to a school site where school-aged pedestrians are likely to be present. During morning and afternoon pickup times, pedestrian and car traffic increases significantly in these school zones.

To help ensure everyone’s safety, school zone laws become active about 45 minutes before school starts and 30 minutes after school ends. During that time, speed limits are reduced to 20 mph. You will be aware that you are entering a school zone through signs, road markings, and flashing lights that indicate drivers should reduce their speeds. Ticket prices double during active school zone periods to ensure motorcyclists and car riders adhere to these rules.

Mini Motorcycles vs. Traditional Motorcycles

Mini motorcycles, also called mini bikes, pocket rockets, or pocket bikes, are all types of small motorcycles, but they are meant for off-road purposes. That said, it isn’t legal to ride a mini bike on the public roadways in Texas. These recreational bikes also cannot be registered as a “vehicle” under Chapter 551.351 of the Texas Transportation Code.

Top 4 Common Causes for Dallas Motorcycle Accidents

If you are injured in a motorcycle accident in Dallas that leads to significant losses, then it will be necessary to identify what caused your crash. Some of the most common causes of Dallas motorcycle accidents include:

Driving Under the Influence

Unfortunately, one of the leading causes of motorcycle accidents in Texas is driving under the influence. According to the data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, about 25% of Texas roadway fatalities were the direct result of intoxicated driving.

Driving under the influence could mean getting behind the wheel after drinking alcohol, but it might also mean driving while intoxicated by other drugs or even prescription medication. Any substance that alters your cognitive skills should be avoided if you plan on driving, no matter how familiar you are with the road.

Speeding and Reckless Driving

In 2019, at least 1 out of 3 motorcycle fatalities was the result of speeding. In 2022, bikers were some of the most cited rule-breakers of speeding limits. Here are some of the fastest bikers caught speeding in Dallas in 2022:

  • 147 mph in a 65 mph zone: on US-180
  • 150 mph in a 65 mph zone: on SH-228
  • 155 mph in a 70 mph zone: on Sam Rayburn Tollway
  • 146 mph in a 65 mph zone: on I-369

However, note that bikers aren’t the only speed-seeking drivers on Dallas roadways. An Infiniti G35 was caught going 147 mph in a 75 mph zone in an express tunnel, and a 2020 Chevrolet Corvette was caught going an unbelievable 150 mph in a 70 mph zone on President George Bush Turnpike. These instances show how road safety violations are common occurrence in Dallas, and stress the importance of following traffic rules to avoid severe or fatal accidents.

Not Following the Rules of the Road

About half of all car versus motorcycle accidents occur when the vehicle fails to give the biker the right of way while making a left turn. In Dallas, drivers must give motorcyclists the proper right of way, otherwise they might be considered at fault and liable for negligence.

Dallas Roadway Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is another major contributor to biking accidents. Whether you’re in a car or riding a bike, taking your eyes and focus off the road even for a moment can result in a serious crash. Distracted driving includes things like eating while driving, changing the radio station, talking on the phone, texting behind the wheel, and more. Under the applicable law in Texas, motorcycle riders are permitted to wear headphones and use hands-free devices; however, this is not recommended.

An empty road in Dallas, TX
A person sitting next to their damaged motorcycle
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Common Injuries from a Dallas, TX Motorcycle Crash

Bikers are much more vulnerable to sustaining severe injuries in a collision due to a lack of protection between them and the roadway. In a traditional car, typically, the seat belts, doors, and the car’s overall structure are designed to protect individuals. On a bike, an accident can cause a person to get thrown from the motorcycle and onto the road. Even when protective gear is worn, injuries can still be life-altering.

Here are some of the most common types of injuries sustained after motorcycle accidents in Dallas:

  1. Cuts, lacerations, and bruises
  2. Road rash or road burns
  3. “Biker’s Arm”: permanent nerve damage from landing on an arm in a crash
  4. Neck and spine injuries, including paralysis
  5. Chronic, long-term pain
  6. Soft tissue and joint injuries
  7. Broken bones and fractures
  8. Loss of limbs
  9. Internal bleeding and organ damage
  10. Concussions, brain injuries, and traumatic brain injuries
  11. Facial disfigurement and permanent scarring
  12. Fatal injuries and wrongful death

Injuries that require substantial medical treatment or a long-term recovery period may result in hefty losses that far exceed medical bills alone. For instance, someone with a broken leg may not be able to return to work until they heal. That means they will likely be forced to miss work for a period of time and may suffer from wage loss.

Most Dangerous Roads for Motorcyclists in the Dallas Area

You should avoid any high-traffic city road in Dallas where possible, but there are a few specific roads that you must always remain vigilant about. US 90, for instance, is almost always dangerous because it spans multiple lanes, there’s usually a lot of traffic, and people tend to speed. Interstate 35E is also a dangerous road because traffic is usually heavy. Multiple complicated interchanges also make traffic more dangerous as drivers are constantly changing lanes and merging with new traffic.

FM 170, or the River Road is notorious for both its beautiful views and dangerous road conditions. While many tourists are attracted to this area, you should remain cautious as a biker. There are multiple steep drop-offs, twisting roadways, blind curves, and narrow lanes. Sadly, fatalities are high on this road, similar to the “Three Sisters” area of Ranch to Market Road 337.

The most dangerous road for bikers in Dallas is I-45. Ride carefully if you plan on biking along this road. The most dangerous area is in Harris County where there are about 56.5 fatal accidents for every 100 miles.

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What to Do After a Dallas Motorcycle Accident

Knowing what steps to take after an accident will not only help preserve your physical safety, but it can also protect your right to seek out fair compensation in the future. Here is a broad overview of what you should do after experiencing a motorcycle accident:

  1. Get to safety if you can move your bike
  2. Call the police to report the accident
  3. If possible, take pictures of the crash scene and ask witnesses for their contact information
  4. Exchange your contact details with the other parties
  5. Seek out medical care
  6. Hire a Dallas motorcycle accident attorney

Under Texas law, you should always report an accident if it involves a death, serious injury, or damage over $1,000. Remember, it is always a good idea to cooperate with the police and get yourself thoroughly checked by an emergency doctor. Since the statute of limitations to file a Texas motorcycle accident lawsuit is two years, you should consider researching top motorcycle accident law firms in your area to ensure you hire the best possible accident attorney to help with your losses.

What NOT To Do After a Dallas Motorcycle Accident

While knowing what to do after an accident is important, it’s equally crucial to know what not to do so that you can avoid derailing a future accident claim. For one, you should not accept responsibility or fault for the crash. Don’t say sorry, and do not claim that you are not injured. Do not accept any offers without first talking to a Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer whom you trust.

Who is At Fault in a Dallas Motorcycle Crash?

If you’re not sure who is at fault in your accident, then a Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer can help you identify the potentially liable parties. Under Texas’ modified comparative negligence rule, you can recover compensation as long as your percentage of fault does not exceed 50%.

Under the eggshell skull doctrine, your accident attorney might be able to hold a negligent driver accountable for any injury that gets magnified as a result of your previous condition. For instance, if you are vulnerable to bone breakage and end up severely fracturing your wrist in a motorcycle accident, then your attorney might be able to claim for additional expenses suffered.

Other Drivers

Since most road accidents occur due to crashes, it is likely that a negligent driver of a vehicle such as a car or a truck might be at fault for your accident.

A Third Party

In some cases, a third party can be held liable for a motorcycle crash. For instance, a mechanic may have conducted faulty repairs on a vehicle that led to an accident. Or, a motorcycle or car manufacturer may have built a faulty part that led to the accident.

Determining fault when a third party is involved can be very complicated, but a top Dallas accident lawyer with prior experience and skill can help.


Sometimes, your recklessness may have contributed to your accident. Depending on the overall value of your claim and your percentage of fault, it might still be worth it to seek out a claim for partial compensation.

Motorcyclists on a highway
A woman walking across a street
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Working With Motorcycle Lawyers: Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Do Accident Lawyers Charge?

Different lawyers will charge different fees, but a Dallas accident attorney at DFW Injury Lawyers will work on a contingency fee basis. This type of arrangement allows your lawyer to work on your case and get paid only when you receive your settlement check. That being said, you won’t have to invest more money into your case before you get paid.

How Do I Find the Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Near Me?

If you’re looking for a Dallas accident attorney, then you’ll want to make sure you hire the right one. Look for a lawyer with proven experience handling motorcycle accident claims. You should also check out the lawyer’s past results and testimonials, as well as their bio to see if they have any awards. Industry recognition can give you a good idea of how respected your lawyer is in the field.

How Much is My Dallas Motorcycle Crash Worth?

Ideally, your motorcycle claim should at least be worth the value of your losses, including current and future medical bills, lost wages and earning potential, loss of consortium, pain and suffering, and/or property damage. The amount of compensation you receive for a Dallas motorcycle crash lawsuit will vary depending on the strength of evidence collected, arguments presented, and/or settlement negotiated. This is why it is crucial you hire a local motorcycle accident lawyer who has the skill and experience to know how to get you paid the best compensation possible.

“Motorcycle accidents result in some of the worst injuries we have seen during our careers as personal injury lawyers. And, sadly, they often result in tragic deaths. With drivers being distracted by everything from cell phones to the in car entertainment systems, the risk of not seeing a motorcycle traveling near you is greatly increased. But, it is also important for motorcycle riders to obey all traffic laws and ride defensively to help avoid collisions with much larger motor vehicles.” — Kevin Edwards, DFW Injury Lawyers Founding Partner

Ask a Dallas Motorcycle Accident Lawyer for Help

Do you have more questions about your motorcycle accident? Are you weighing out the pros and cons of seeking out a claim? A top Dallas motorcycle accident lawyer can help you understand whether you have the legal and factual basis to file a motorcycle accident lawsuit in Dallas.

Here at DFW Injury Lawyers, our team of attorneys are all lifelong Texans who are well-versed in the laws that may apply to your situation. We’re prepared to handle Dallas motorcycle crash claims. Our bilingual office can also help all Spanish-speaking clients have access to all the resources and legal skills they deserve.

Are you ready to move forward with your potential motorcycle claim? If so, then schedule a consultation with our team now to discuss your accident, injuries, and potential legal options in more detail.

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