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Dallas Car Accident Lawyer

Dallas is no stranger to car accidents. If you were involved in an auto accident, here's what to do.
A two-car accident on a freeway
Main Practice Areas Dallas Car Accident Lawyer

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Picture this: You’re driving down the busy highways of Dallas, enjoying the bustling city life, when suddenly, a car accident occurs. In that split second, your whole life changes. You may have suffered injuries, your car is damaged, and your mind is racing with thoughts of medical bills, missed work, and insurance claims. It’s a scary and overwhelming experience, and you may not know where to turn for help.

The good news is that you might be able to seek compensation for some of those financial losses if another driver or party was negligent. Since determining negligence is tricky and complicated, it’s best for Texans to discuss their situation with an experienced car accident personal injury lawyer before proceeding with a claim.

Here at DFW Injury Lawyers, our Dallas car accident lawyers are ready to listen to your story. We can investigate what happened, help determine whether anyone’s negligence caused the crash, and assist you in making an informed decision on how to move forward with your potential car accident claim.

Get more details about car accident claims in Dallas and how our firm can help you.

Key Takeaways

  • According to Forbes, Dallas is one of the ‘cities you’re most likely to get in a car accident’ with a relative collision likelihood of 46.5%.
  • Common causes of Dallas car accidents are driver errors, speeding, DUI, hazardous road conditions, and defective parts.
  • If you have been hurt in a car accident, a Dallas accident lawyer can help you get maximum possible recovery for your injuries.

Do I Need a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer?

If you’ve been seriously injured in a car accident in Dallas or anywhere in Texas, you may be wondering if you need a car accident lawyer. The answer is, absolutely. A skilled Dallas car accident lawyer can be your lifeline in navigating the complex aftermath of a car wreck.

One of the biggest concerns after a car accident is medical care. A Dallas car wreck lawyer can help ensure you receive the medical attention you need by putting you in touch with highly qualified medical professionals and facilities, giving you the best chance at a full medical recovery.

Hiring a car accident lawyer can greatly benefit your case for compensation. With their expertise, they can gather and present the necessary evidence to support your claim for maximum settlement or verdict value. They will cover all upfront legal costs, consult with experts, deal with insurance companies, and fight for a top-dollar settlement on your behalf. Throughout the legal process, they will keep you updated and informed, so you never feel left in the dark.

A lawyer can help investigate what happened, identify who may have been at fault, and utilize the law to strengthen your claim. They could also help you document your losses and file your car accident injury claim. From there, they’ll negotiate with the other party and represent you in court if your case goes to trial.

When looking for a quality lawyer, check out their past case results to verify that they can help you with your claim. Our lawyers have extensive experience helping our clients win substantial verdicts. No matter how serious the car accident, our car accident lawyers are there to help.

How Common Are Car Accidents in Dallas?

Unfortunately, car accidents happen in Dallas and throughout Texas every day. In fact, according to Forbes, Dallas is tied with Atlanta for ‘cities you’re most likely to get in a car accident’ with a relative collision likelihood of 46.5%. These statistics highlight the reality of the dangers on Dallas roads.

There are several factors contributing to the frequency of car accidents in Dallas. One significant factor is the rapid growth of the city. With a booming population and a thriving economy, more people are moving to Dallas and more cars are on the roads than ever before. The high car use rate in Dallas contributes to the increased chances of accidents occurring.

Furthermore, Texas roadways had zero deathless days in 2022, according to the Texas Department of Transportation. This sobering statistic showcases the severity of car accidents in Dallas and the state as a whole.

With more cars on the road, the risks of getting into a car accident in Dallas are higher than ever. That’s why it’s crucial to have a skilled Dallas car wreck lawyer on your side if you find yourself involved in an accident. They can navigate the complexities of the legal process and fight for the compensation you deserve.

Car Accidents in Dallas: Common Causes

After an accident, it’s necessary to identify what caused it. Determining who was at fault will decide whether or not you have the basis for a claim.

While you can’t prevent every car crash, remaining vigilant while behind the wheel and following all relevant traffic laws can help you avoid wrecks. Below, we’ll review some of the top causes of car accidents in Dallas and throughout the county.

Common Driver Errors

The number one cause of car accidents is driver error. Simply put, it’s mistakes that the driver makes. This might include mistakes like improper lane changes, failing to give other motorists the right of way, wrong turns, or disobeying traffic laws.

Motorists might run a red light or turn without looking into traffic. All of these actions can result in a crash regardless of whether the driver intended to make a mistake or they were just being careless.

The number one cause of car accidents is driver error.


When you go above the speed limit, other motorists are less able to predict your actions, which could quickly lead to a crash.

What’s more, the faster you go, the less control you have over your vehicle. Plus, you also have less time to respond to an unexpected move by another car.

Driving While Intoxicated or Under the Influence

Driving while under the influence of alcohol, controlled substances, or prescription drugs can impact your judgment, reaction time, and ability to effectively operate a car.

The dangers of driving while impaired are well-established, but this behavior still contributes to many accidents in Dallas and the nation as a whole.

A line of cars speed down the freeway

Hazardous Road Conditions

Dallas is known for its busy and congested roads. In addition to heavy traffic, hazardous road conditions can contribute to accidents. Some of the most dangerous roads in Dallas include I-35E, I-30, I-635, Highway 67, and Texas 12 Loop.

These roads often have high-speed limits, multiple lanes, and frequent lane changes, increasing the chances of accidents.

Defective Parts

Another common cause of car accidents in Dallas is defective parts. Faulty brakes, tires, steering systems, or other vehicle components can malfunction and cause accidents.

When a defective part causes a crash, the part manufacturer or designer could potentially be held liable for the financial losses associated with the accident.

A junkyard full of broken-down cars

Common Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries can range from mild to severe. Here are some of the most common car accident injuries sustained in accidents:

Traumatic Brain Injuries

When a person experiences a sudden jolting stop, which often happens in accidents, their brain can slam into their skulls, leaving them with brain injuries.

Traumatic brain injuries sound extreme, but they can manifest in minor symptoms. Sometimes, the signs of these injuries don’t appear for several days. Always check for a TBI if you have lost consciousness, even temporarily.


Paralysis can happen due to a puncturing force in a car accident or pressure exerted on a person’s spine. If the spinal cord gets dislocated, compressed, or crushed, then paralysis can ensue. This can lead to life-long consequences.

Back and Neck Injuries

Back and neck injuries are exceedingly common after car accidents. These are the most common types of injuries sustained after a car wreck:

  • Pinched nerves
  • Whiplash
  • Slipped disc
  • Herniated disc
  • Muscle spasms
  • Sprains and strains
  • Lacerations and abrasions
  • Spinal cord injuries


Burns can happen due to extreme heat or friction if your body scrapes against the asphalt. These types of injuries can be minor, but they can also be very severe. Some burn injuries require surgery and could cause life-long impacts.

Loss of Limbs, Fractures, and Broken Bones

As one can imagine, losing a limb is highly distressing and will impact a person’s life. It could derail their career, affect their relationships, and cause them to struggle with independence.

On top of losing a limb, car accident victims could also suffer from fractures or broken bones. Usually, fractures or broken bones are less severe, but can still cause a person to miss time off work and can be extremely serious and fatal.

Internal Organ Damage

Internal organ damage is extremely serious and can be fatal. Depending on the extent of the damage, internal injuries could cause life-long problems.

Emotional Distress, PTSD, and Anxiety Disorders

Car accidents can be traumatic, especially when they result in substantial injuries or they cause fatalities. After an accident, some victims require extensive therapy.

Some individuals develop PTSD from the incident and struggle with nightmares, dissociation, problems regulating mood, and more. If you have developed an anxiety disorder, PTSD, or another type of emotional disorder after an accident, you may be eligible for compensation.

A doctor wearing glasses looks at a medical chart

Dallas Car Accident: Who May Be Liable?

Courtrooms in Dallas operate on a modified comparative negligence standard. That means that a victim’s overall compensation award is calculated based on the percentage of fault of both the perpetrator and the victim.

As the victim is considered less than 50% at fault for the accident, they can seek compensation from the more at-fault party. However, the damages they can receive are capped based on their own percentage of fault in the accident.

Depending on the circumstances of your crash, several parties could be liable, including:

  • Another driver
  • A third party in a multi-vehicle crash
  • The car manufacturer
  • A trucking company

You could be eligible for compensation in the form of medical bills, lost wages, property damage, pain and suffering, punitive damages, or other damages in the event of a wrongful death.

What to Do After a Car Accident

Being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, but it’s important to stay calm and take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your legal rights. Here’s what you should do after a car accident:

  • Check whether everyone is physically safe: Your first priority should be to check yourself and others involved in the accident for any injuries. If anyone is seriously injured, call for medical help immediately.
  • Pull over to a safer area, if possible: If it’s safe to do so, move your vehicle to the side of the road or a safer area to avoid obstructing traffic and reduce the risk of further accidents. Turn on your hazard lights to alert other drivers.
  • Report the car crash to the police: Contact the police and report the car accident. They will arrive at the scene, assess the situation, and file a police report. This report will be valuable evidence for your insurance claim and any legal action that may follow.
  • Exchange relevant information with the other involved parties: Exchange contact information, insurance details, and driver’s license numbers with the other drivers involved in the accident. If there are any witnesses, get their contact information as well.
  • Take pictures and videos, if possible: If it’s safe to do so, use your phone or any other device to take pictures and videos of the accident scene. Capture the damage to all vehicles involved, the positions of the vehicles, and any visible injuries. These visual records can serve as evidence for your insurance claim and potential legal case.
  • Don’t admit guilt/post on social media: Avoid admitting fault or discussing the accident on social media. Anything you say or post online can be used against you in the legal process. Stick to sharing the facts of the accident with your lawyer only.
  • Seek medical help: Even if you don’t feel any immediate pain or injuries, it’s still important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Some injuries may not show symptoms right away but can develop over time. Documenting your injuries and receiving appropriate medical treatment will not only help your recovery but also provide necessary evidence for your insurance claim and legal case.
  • Contact a Dallas car accident lawyer: Once you’ve taken care of your immediate safety and medical needs, it’s crucial to consult with a Dallas car accident lawyer. They will review the details of your case, advise you on the best course of action, and handle the legal process on your behalf. A skilled car accident lawyer can navigate the complexities of insurance claims and negotiate with the insurance company to help you recover the maximum compensation you deserve.

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When Should I Call a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer?

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Dallas, you should reach out to a Dallas car accident lawyer as soon as possible. While you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to do, contacting a lawyer soon after the accident can maximize your legal help and ensure that your rights are protected.

One of the main reasons to contact a car accident lawyer early on is to avoid arguing with the other involved parties or speaking to another party’s insurer without representation. Insurance companies may try to settle quickly and for a lower amount than you deserve, and they may use any statements you make against you. A lawyer can handle all communication with the insurance company on your behalf and make sure your best interests are represented.

Additionally, a Dallas car accident attorney can gather crucial evidence, interview witnesses, and reconstruct the accident scene to strengthen your case. The sooner they can start this process, the better chance you have of obtaining a favorable outcome.

Remember, time is of the essence when it comes to car accident cases. There are strict deadlines for filing a claim, and evidence can be lost or destroyed over time. By contacting a Dallas car crash lawyer promptly, you can ensure that you have the best chance at receiving the compensation you deserve and begin the process of rebuilding your life after the accident.

What Compensation Can a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer Help Me Recover?

When you’re involved in a car accident in Dallas, a skilled car accident lawyer can help you recover various types of compensation to make you whole again. Here are some of the key areas in which a Dallas car accident lawyer can assist you:

  • Past and future medical expenses from the accident: If you’ve suffered injuries in a car accident, a lawyer can help you recover compensation for all your medical bills, both from the past and future. This includes hospital stays, surgeries, medications, rehabilitation, and any other necessary treatments. A car accident attorney can help you pursue compensation to cover these costs, both for the medical treatment you’ve already received and any future medical care you may need.
  • Lost wages during the time you were unable to work, and lost earning potential for future work in case of severe injuries: If your injuries prevented you from working, a Dallas car accident lawyer can help you fight to recover the wages you lost during your recovery period. Additionally, if your injuries have a long-term impact on your ability to earn a living, an injury lawyer can fight for compensation for your lost earning potential.
  • Pain and suffering: Car accidents can cause immense physical and emotional pain. A car accident lawyer can help you pursue compensation for your pain and suffering, including emotional distress, mental anguish, and the impact the accident has had on your overall quality of life.
  • Wrongful death of your loved one due to fatal car crash: In tragic cases where a loved one has died as a result of a car accident, a car accident lawyer can help the surviving family members seek compensation for funeral expenses, loss of financial support, loss of companionship, and other damages related to the wrongful death.
  • Punitive damage: In rare cases where the at-fault party’s conduct was especially reckless or intentional, a Dallas car accident lawyer may be able to help you pursue punitive damages. These damages are awarded to punish the at-fault party and deter others from engaging in similar behavior.

Dallas Car Accident Lawyer Near Me

When you experience a car accident and need a lawyer, it’s best to hire a local lawyer. Our Dallas office is located at 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane in Dallas, Texas. We’re not too far from the Dallas Love Field Airport, the Dallas Museum of Art, and the Dallas World Aquarium.

A stack of papers on a desk in a library

Dallas Car Accident Lawyer: FAQs

Do you have more questions about how a lawyer can help or if you should pursue a claim? Get answers to some of the most commonly asked questions after a car accident in Dallas below.

1. Is Dallas the Most Dangerous City for Driving?

Dallas, unfortunately, holds the title for having the worst traffic fatality rate among America’s ten largest cities. With the rapid growth of the city and the increasing number of cars on the road, the risks of driving in Dallas are higher than ever. However, the city has implemented the Vision Zero initiative, a plan to eliminate traffic-related fatalities and severe injuries. While Dallas may currently have a dangerous reputation for driving, efforts are being made to make the streets safer for everyone.

2. How Much Do Dallas Car Accident Lawyers Charge for Car Accident Cases?

If you’re concerned about the expense of hiring a Dallas car accident lawyer, there’s good news. Most lawyers, including those at DFW Injury Lawyers, work on a contingency fee basis, which means you won’t have to worry about paying upfront. Instead, the lawyer will take a percentage of your final car accident settlement or award as their fee. This arrangement allows you to focus on your recovery and legal case without the added stress of upfront fees.

3. Can a Bystander who Suffered Mental Trauma Recover from a Dallas Car Accident?

Typically, a bystander who suffered only mental trauma as a result of a Dallas car accident may not be able to recover compensation. However, there may be a possibility for recovery if the bystander is a close family member who experienced physical manifestations of the trauma. Each case is unique, so it’s important to consult with a Dallas car accident lawyer who can evaluate the specific details of your situation and provide personalized guidance.

4. Should I Sue After a Car Accident?

You should seek out a claim after a car accident if you’re struggling to cope with financial losses. When losses are minimal, it’s generally not worth your time to seek out a claim. When the losses (financial, physical, and mental) start piling up, that’s when you should consider hiring a Dallas car accident lawyer.

5. How Long Does it Take to Sue Someone for a Car Accident?

The time it takes to get compensation after an accident varies based on the other party. Sometimes, the other party’s insurance will want to settle as soon as possible. In these cases, you can settle outside of court quickly within a few weeks.

If the other party wants to fight, the car accident lawsuit process could take several months, depending on how long it takes to get to court.

6. How Much Can You Get for a Car Accident Settlement?

Every car accident situation is unique, which means it’s difficult to make a determination on how much you can get by pursuing a claim. In general, though, you can receive as much as you lost as a result of the accident.

To determine that value, you’ll need to add up every loss you endured, including your medical bills, lost wages, property damages, future losses, and more.

In very unique cases, victims can receive more compensation than the value of their actual losses in cases where the at-fault party was extremely reckless or acted with disregard for your life.

On that note, you might be asking how much does a lawyer cost for a car accident? Many Dallas personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis — like we do at DFW Injury Lawyers. That means we only get paid if you get paid.

7. Should I Report My Car Accident in Dallas?

If your car accident involves another vehicle, it’s usually best to report the accident to the police. Reporting your accident to the police protects your rights and the rights of anyone who may have gotten hurt or suffered property damage.

Without a police report, claims will be difficult to pursue. A police report confirms that an accident happened, who was involved, and who may be at fault according to the initial investigation initiated by the police.

A police officer fills out a form with a pen

8. Can I Sue for a Fatal Car Accident that Caused Wrongful Death to My Loved One?

Yes. You can sue after a fatal car accident on behalf of your deceased loved one. The attorneys at DFW Injury Lawyers have years of experience helping past clients seek justice after a wrongful death accident. In these claims, you can recover compensation for burial costs, a loss of financial support, pain and suffering, and more.

9. Can I Sue a Car Manufacturer for Faulty Parts that Caused My Accident?

Yes. When faulty or defective car parts cause an accident, the car manufacturer may be legally liable for your losses under product liability laws.

An attorney can help you investigate whether defective parts contributed to your crash, and also help you pursue a claim against the negligent manufacturers.

10. My Insurance Company Refuses to Pay for My Car Accident Injury Claim. Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help?

Yes. Your insurance company’s goal is to make a profit. Insurance adjusters have an incentive to deny and minimize claims wherever possible.

That said, don’t assume that an insurance adjuster knows best if they start pushing back against your claim. If that’s the case, consider talking to a lawyer who can give you a less biased perspective.

Get a Free Consultation With a Dallas Car Accident Lawyer Today

Have you recently experienced a car accident and you’re now attempting to cope with the financial losses?

If you suspect someone else’s negligence played a major role in causing your crash, talk to a car wreck lawyer about what happened. A highly-qualified lawyer will be able to give you a better idea of whether seeking out a claim is in your best interests.

Since many car accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, they won’t encourage you to pursue a claim unless they’re fairly confident that you can win your case. Under this type of payment arrangement, your lawyer only gets paid if you do. In this way, you can trust their judgment when it comes to advising you on whether a car accident lawsuit is worth it.

Here at DFW Injury Lawyers, we’re prepared to help you make an informed choice about your claim. Contact our team to schedule a consultation and get started. Call 1-888-4-MUSCLE today!

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