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Texas Paralysis Injury Lawyer

While paralysis can occur from underlying medical conditions, many people become paralyzed after a serious incident involving car accidents, slip and fall accidents, or other accidents caused by a negligent person or entity. We can help you seek compensation for paralysis injury caused due to someone else's negligence.
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Main Practice Areas Texas Paralysis Injury Lawyer

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Nearly 5.4 million, or one in 50 Americans, live with some sort of paralysis, with thousands of cases reported every year. While many paralysis cases stem from underlying medical conditions, a significant proportion of cases result from serious injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents, pedestrian accident, slip and falls, or more.

At DFW Injury Lawyers, our team has worked with many serious injury victims to help them recover compensation from negligent parties. If you or your loved one is suffering from paralysis due to someone else’s negligence, you have the right to secure the best compensation possible for your medical bills, lost wages, physical and emotional pain and suffering, long-term care, surgeries, and more. Call us at 972-440-2320 or take advantage of our online contact form to set up a free legal consultation with our paralysis injury lawyers.

Key Takeaways

  • Paralysis is a debilitating condition that can require extensive medical treatments, surgeries, and long-term care.
  • The cost of paralysis treatment can range from thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars every year.
  • If someone else’s negligence caused you paralysis, you can seek compensation within two years of the accident by filing a personal injury lawsuit in Texas.

How Does Paralysis Occur?

Paralysis occurs when a person is unable to make voluntary muscle movements. The causes of paralysis are nearly endless, but almost all cases of paralysis involving a traumatic spinal cord injury are the result of an accident, like a motor vehicle accident or a slip and fall accident, injury (such as a sports injury), medical conditions like strokes, nerve injuries, or certain autoimmune diseases, or an act of violence.

If a person sustains serious injuries from such incidents, their nervous system may become severely damaged, disrupting its ability to send signals between muscles and the brain. While some may regain partial or full movement over time, others experience permanent paralysis.

Is Paralysis a Disability?

Some types of paralysis may only affect an individual in minor and non-invasive ways. However, many sufferers of paralysis may face permanent inability to move their arms or legs, or even communicate by speaking. They may require immediate and long-term care to help them perform daily essential tasks such as getting dressed, bathing, buying groceries, and getting around the house. Paralysis can also lead to blood clots and other medical complications, especially as the patient ages.

Can You Get Paralyzed From a Car Accident?

You can get paralyzed from a car accident. In fact, car accident paralysis is one of the leading causes of spinal cord injury-related paralysis and some of the most serious paralysis cases often result from a Texas car crash.

Can You Receive Compensation if the Accident Was Your Fault?

Even if the court or a jury finds that you were partially responsible for the car accident that resulted in your paralysis, you may still be able to seek damages from the other driver if your attorney can effectively show that you were no more than 50% at fault. The compensation will be reduced by the percentage of fault that is placed on you for the accident.

“Traumatic spinal cord injuries and paralysis after a car or truck wreck are devastating on so many levels. The physical and emotional pain and suffering will last a lifetime for not only the victim but also his or her family. If you or a loved one suffers paralysis due to a wreck, it is imperative you hire experienced lawyers to navigate the legal complexities and ensure you recover full compensation for the remainder of your lifetime.” – Founding Partner Kevin Edwards

Paralysis Injury Compensation

Treatment for paralysis is not only expansive, but also expensive. Individuals suffering from paralysis often pay thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars every year for treatment. Below are just a few examples of the types of damages and treatments that a paralysis victim may seek compensation for:

  • Medical bills (current and future)
  • Physical and occupational therapy
  • Emotional and psychological therapy
  • Future medical expenses and ongoing support, such as nursing care
  • Therapy expenses (physical and emotional)
  • Ongoing care and support, such as nursing care
  • Assistive devices and equipment costs
  • Home renovation costs due to medical needs
  • Physical impairment, disfigurement, or disability
  • Lost wages, loss of earning capacity, or diminished earning capacity
  • Property damage or diminished value of property
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of quality of life


In cases where an individual became paralyzed due to the wanton, willful, or gross negligence of another party, the court may also seek punitive damages.

Different Types of Paralysis

Many people are surprised to learn that there are four main types of paralysis and several other subgroups within each type. Here is an overview of the different types of paralysis:

  • Complete paralysis: This type of paralysis involves a total loss of muscle function and sensation in the affected area, often resulting from severe damage to the spinal cord or nerves. Individuals with complete paralysis typically have no voluntary movement or feeling in the affected body part or parts, leading to significant functional limitations.
  • Incomplete paralysis: This involves partial loss of muscle function or sensation and may allow for some degree of movement or sensation depending on the extent of nerve damage. Rehabilitation efforts often focus on maximizing remaining function and improving mobility.
  • Localized paralysis: This type of paralysis is confined to a specific region or body part, such as a limb or facial muscles. It can result from various causes, including nerve damage, trauma, or neurological conditions. Localized paralysis may significantly impact motor skills and daily activities related to the affected area.
  • Generalized paralysis: Paralysis that affects multiple regions or the entire body, which often results from systemic conditions or widespread damage to the nervous system. Generalized paralysis can manifest as quadriplegia/tetraplegia, and paraplegia, among others.
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What Does Paralysis Feel Like?

Like the various types of paralysis, there is also a wide range of symptoms someone may experience upon becoming paralyzed. In general, a person suffering from paralysis will suffer a loss of sensation or the ability to use their muscles. This could either be focused in one specific area or it could be spread throughout the entire body. They may also notice minor symptoms, like tingling or muscle cramps.

Sometimes, paralysis patients also notice a gradual or partial paralyzation, meaning they may not feel the full range of paralysis until months or years later. It could also mean that their paralyzation has slowly spread from a localized area to a larger section of the body.

If you’re feeling any type of sensation loss, or a minimized ability to move or use your muscles after an accident, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Your doctor will conduct a series of exams and diagnostic tests using X-rays and other imaging tests, such as an electromyogram, to determine the cause and extent of your paralysis. All these tests are expensive and may cause you a lifetime of financial hardship.

How is Paralysis Treated?

Because there are varying degrees of paralysis, the seriousness and type of your paralysis will dictate your treatment options. A doctor will typically examine the cause of the paralysis, treat the underlying issues, and make a plan to repair the central nervous system, to the extent possible. In general, most cases of paralysis that require treatment will likely also be addressed with a combination of physiotherapy and occupational therapy to maintain the patient’s muscle mass while paralyzed.

Can You Recover From Paralysis?

Fortunately, it is possible to recover from paralysis, but an individual’s ability to do so will depend on the root cause of the paralysis. Mild forms of paralysis, such as Bell’s palsy, often go away on their own in a few weeks. However, if you or a loved one has become severely paralyzed due to a major accident such as a car wreck, you may never regain full mobility or function.

It’s also important to know that even if your symptoms may seem minor at first, you may later find that they have increased drastically, especially if the root cause of your injuries has not been resolved. This is why it’s vital to report your injuries as soon as you experience them. Not only will this prevent your symptoms from getting worse, but it will also create a record of your symptoms, should you decide to pursue legal action against any responsible parties.

How Can a Paralysis Injury Lawyer Help Me Recover Expenses?

Paralysis injuries are among some of the most devastating injuries sustained by victims of car accidents, truck accidents, and slip and fall accidents. Not only are they often lengthy injuries that require long-term and consistent medical care, but the medical expenses they rack up can also decimate your savings account.

If someone else’s negligence or recklessness caused your injury and resulting paralysis, it is imperative that you consult with a personal injury lawyer who can help you get adequately compensated for your damages. Here are some of the ways a paralysis injury lawyer can help you:

  • Thoroughly examining all aspects of the case: A paralysis injury lawyer will look into the entire factual matrix of the case as well as anything that can possibly be related to the case.
  • Coordinating with all parties involved to gather evidence: A local lawyer will coordinate with medical experts, accident reconstruction experts, and others on your behalf, and will speak to witnesses, insurance companies, and other involved parties.
  • Build a strong case based on the relevant facts and legal arguments: An attorney will examine the main issues, draft all arguments and counter-defenses, and gather all relevant evidence to support your spinal cord injury claim for compensation.
  • Prepare for pre-trial negotiations/trial/other communication: A skillful paralysis injury lawyer will handle all communications on your behalf and prepare relevant documents, such as helping you prepare for the discovery process or negotiate with a bad faith insurer who has denied your accident claim.
  • Fight aggressively to ensure clients receive the best possible compensation: A good lawyer will fight your case, but a great lawyer will bring in the muscle to defend you fairly and skillfully so you can get the maximum possible compensation for your paralysis injury claim.

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How Much Does a Paralysis Injury Lawyer Charge in Texas?

Many personal injury victims put off filing lawsuits due to multiple reasons, such as the anxiety surrounding the lawsuit process or the cost of retaining the services of a qualified and competent attorney. As a result, many individuals run out of time to seek compensation for their injuries.

At DFW Injury Lawyers, we will never ask you to pay for our services unless we win the lawsuit for you. If you have any questions about how a paralysis injury lawsuit works in Texas or how lawyers charge fees from their clients, you can reach out to us today for a 100% free consultation and we’ll equip you with all the information you’ll need to get started.

How Long Do I Have to File a Paralysis Injury Case in Texas?

You have two years from the date of the injury to file a paralysis injury case in Texas, unless:

  • You did not discover the injury until later
  • If the injured party is under 18 years of age or suffers from a cognitive disability
  • If the responsible party is a government entity or employee such as a police officer or a mail carrier
  • If the responsible party has left the state

In these cases, the court may extend or shorten the statute of limitations on a paralysis injury case, depending on the specific circumstances. However, these are very specific situations and only an experienced attorney will be able to guide you on whether you fall under any exception to the two-year statutory limit.

A person in a wheelchair at a park (fall weather)

Paralysis Injury Lawyer Near Me

Texans looking to be connected with qualified and experienced paralysis injury lawyers can find our offices across North Texas, including in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Arlington.

Texas Paralysis Injury Lawyer: FAQs

What types of paralysis injury cases does DFW Injury Lawyers handle?

While paralysis can occur from underlying medical conditions, many people become paralyzed after a serious incident involving car accidents, slip and fall accidents, or other accidents caused by a negligent person or entity. We can help you seek compensation for paralysis injury caused due to someone else’s negligence.

How do I know if I have a paralysis injury case?

The only way to truly know if you have a paralysis injury case is by consulting a personal injury lawyer with experience in paralysis injury. Call our firm at 972-440-2320 to speak with an attorney today.

How does paralysis affect the body?

Paralysis causes a loss of sensation and inhibits the body’s ability to properly use our muscles. It also can cause muscle loss, cramps, and tingling sensations.

Does paralysis happen instantly?

In cases of severe injury such as blunt trauma from a car accident, paralysis can be instant. In other cases, paralysis can take weeks, months, or even years to show up.

Is paralysis reversible?

While some types of paralysis are reversible, unfortunately, most are permanent and cannot be reversed. A specialist can help determine whether your paralysis case is permanent or temporary.

How much does paralysis injury cost?

Treatment for paralysis injury can cost victims thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. Your specific treatment will depend on the extent of the paralysis and the limitations you have as a result of such paralysis.

Can I afford a paralysis injury lawyer?

If you’re suffering from a paralysis injury, the last thing that you should be worried about is figuring out how you’re going to pay for a highly qualified lawyer to work with you on your case. That’s why DFW Injury Lawyers offers contingency-based payment, meaning that we cover the costs of the lawsuit and do not charge you an attorney fee until we win your case. We also offer a free initial consultation, so you fully understand what to expect every step of the way.

Looking For a Paralysis Injury Lawyer? Speak to Our Texas Attorneys Today

If you’re ready to begin the process of securing compensation in a paralysis injury case, the first step is to contact a paralysis injury lawyer. Our award-winning Texas attorneys can provide you with compassionate support in addition to the vigorous legal representation you’ll need to secure the compensation you deserve. Reach out to us today.

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