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Arlington Car Accident Lawyer

Determining who is at fault in a car accident can be complex. If your case is complex, you might want to hire an experienced local attorney who understands how car wreck lawsuits work and can advocate for your rights in court if your case goes to trial.
A car crash
Main Practice Areas Arlington Car Accident Lawyer

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Arlington is well-regarded as one of the best places to live in Texas, with dense suburban vibes, great education facilities, boundless entertainment, and a reasonable cost of living. However, the city still experiences a concerning number of car accidents. In 2021 alone, Arlington witnessed 51 fatal car crashes and road traffic accidents, a significant increase from the total of 33 fatal accidents in 2020.

A car accident can lead to various types of injuries, such as head trauma, cognitive impairments, and whiplash. These can have significant physical, financial, and emotional effects on the victims. If you or someone you know has suffered from injuries due to someone’s total or partial negligence, it is imperative to speak to an attorney who can guide you on the best course of action.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Key Takeaways

  • Arlington experiences a significant number of car accidents annually, highlighting the necessity for expert legal assistance for accident victims due to the potential physical, financial, and emotional impacts.
  • Following a car accident, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, contact emergency services, and gather essential information such as contact details from other parties and witnesses. Seeking medical attention promptly and setting up a case review with a lawyer are vital steps towards securing compensation.
  • Car accidents can have profound and far-reaching effects on individuals’ lives; seeking legal representation early on can help recover full compensation from the negligent party.

Car Accident Injury Lawyer Near Me

Our Arlington, TX office is strategically located in East Arlington to ensure easy access for our clients: 1600 E. Pioneer Pkwy., Ste. 530, Arlington, TX 76010. We are close to many well-known landmarks and popular eating establishments, such as Anakaren Bakery, East Library & Recreation Center, and Ba Le Vietnamese Restaurant.

What To Do If You Were Injured in a Car Accident

If you are injured in a car accident, here are the steps you should take:

  • Call 911 in case of an emergency: Dial 911 to ensure the police and medical personnel arrive quickly to respond to injuries, secure the area, access the situation, and divert oncoming traffic from the accident scene.
  • Ensure everyone’s safety and pull over to a safer area when possible: Move your vehicle to a safer location to prevent further accidents, if possible, and keep your hazard lights on.
  • Check for visible injuries: Assess visible injuries and ensure everyone’s safety.
  • Contact the local police for help: Once the police arrive at the scene, you must cooperate with the police, even if you think you’re partially at fault for the accident.
  • Note contact details and other information from the other parties and witnesses: Note the contact number and insurance information from the other party as well as contact details of any eyewitnesses present.
  • Collect as much evidence as possible: As soon as immediate safety concerns have been addressed, you should begin collecting evidence. This includes taking pictures and videos of the accident scene. It’s also crucial to seek medical attention, even if you think your injuries are minor. Some injuries may not be immediately apparent and can worsen if left untreated.
  • Set up a free case review with an Arlington car accident lawyer: Arrange a discussion with a qualified attorney as soon as possible. An Arlington car accident lawyer can help you understand your rights, guide you through the process, and ensure you get the compensation you deserve.

Why Do Car Accidents Happen?

Various factors lead to car accidents; however, human error is the most common reason behind road accidents. Speeding, drunk driving, reckless driving, fatigue, failure to obey traffic laws, bad weather, and unexpected obstacles on the road are all responsible for a majority of Arlington car wrecks. In a world where our attention is demanded by various things, many of us often find our attention divided between the road and our electronic devices, leading to accidents – it is noteworthy that even a few seconds of distraction can be enough to cause a serious collision.

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Most Dangerous Roads in Arlington, Texas

While car accidents can happen anywhere, there are certain areas in Arlington where they occur more frequently. Areas like Route 50 (Arlington Boulevard) and N. Washington Boulevard, as well as Four Mile Run Drive and S. Walter Reed Drive, are some of the busiest intersections in the county. Generally speaking, intersections, highways and freeways, and construction zones are more susceptible to road accidents.

How Does a Car Accident Affect Your Life?

The impact of a car accident on a person’s life can be profound and far-reaching. Apart from physical injuries – which can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe, life-altering conditions – car wreck victims also have to deal with significant financial strain. This can happen due to medical expenses, property damage, and income loss, particularly if such injuries impede their ability to work.

Car accidents can also result in emotional distress, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and a decrease in the quality of life due to physical injuries and financial burdens. Car wrecks also have a social impact when they lead to difficulties in engaging with others and participating in social settings due to their long-term effects.

Our Arlington car accident lawyers understand the short-term and long-term consequences of car wrecks, and accordingly, analyze all the ways in which someone’s negligence caused you harm – from emergency surgery bills to your inability to pursue a hobby or pick up your kids. This is why we build a compelling case to ensure you have everything you need to cover your losses after an Arlington car wreck.

Car Accident Injuries

Car accident injuries can vary significantly in severity, from minor scrapes and bruises to severe, life-threatening conditions. Common injuries include:

These injuries can result from various factors, including the force of the collision, the occupant’s position in the vehicle, and whether or not seat belts were in use. Treatment for these injuries can be complex and costly and may include physical therapy, surgery, medication, and rehabilitative services. An experienced car accident lawyer knows how to negotiate with third parties such as insurance providers so you can get the compensation you need for your car accident injuries.

“After you have been involved in a car accident, you need to immediately contact DFW Injury Lawyers so we can gather the necessary information, get you the medical treatment you need, and begin dealing with the insurance companies. Let us fight the insurance company for full compensation while you focus on getting better and back on your feet.” – Founding Partner Kevin L. Edwards

How To Tell Who Hit Whom In a Car Accident?

Determining who is at fault in a car accident can be complex. It involves examining evidence, including witness statements, surveillance footage, and the reports of on-site investigations. Since evidence plays a huge role in determining fault, sometimes, parties may hire accident reconstruction experts or other expert witnesses to prove liability. If your case is complex, you might want to hire an experienced local attorney who understands how car wreck lawsuits work and can advocate for your rights in court if your case goes to trial.

How Long Do Car Accident Settlements Take?

The duration of a car accident settlement can vary greatly. Several factors can influence the duration of the process, including the case’s complexity, the severity of injuries, and both parties’ willingness to negotiate. Gathering all necessary medical documentation is essential before settling a car accident claim, as it helps establish the extent of injuries and required compensation. While some car accident cases may settle within a few weeks, many can take several months to a year (if not more).

It’s also important to note that reaching Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) can impact the timing of a settlement. MMI is a point in your recovery where your condition has stabilized so that no significant improvement or deterioration is expected. Settlements are ideally made after MMI is reached to ensure that all future medical costs and losses are correctly accounted for in the settlement amount.

How Much Do You Get From a Car Accident?

There are several things that are taken into account while determining the compensation you can receive for a car accident. These include:

  • Nature and extent of your injuries
  • Total medical expenses (medical treatments, hospital stays, medications, and any ongoing therapy or rehabilitation services)
  • Cost of ongoing/future medical care (including long-term care and rehabilitation)
  • Damages from lost wages and loss of earning potential
  • Pain and suffering
  • Type and amount of insurance coverage
  • Percentage of liability of each party
  • Quality of legal services and representation

Arlington Car Wreck: How Can a Car Accident Lawyer Help

A lawyer can offer invaluable assistance following a car accident:

  • Legal advice tailored to your goals: A skilled lawyer understands that each client’s legal aspirations are unique and provides personalized guidance to navigate the complex legal system and achieve those specific objectives.
  • A thorough investigation of your case: An independent investigation is crucial as it brings to light all the facts that may not be obvious to a layperson or without concrete research.
  • Representing your interests in all negotiations: A car accident lawyer will work tirelessly to ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve.
  • Handling all communications and preparing relevant documents: This involves managing correspondence with all concerned parties and meticulously preparing and filing all necessary legal paperwork.
  • Litigating your case in local courts: An experienced trial lawyer with courtroom experience will know how to effectively present your case in front of a jury.

Car Accident in Arlington: When Should I Contact a Lawyer?

If you’ve been part of a car accident in Arlington, it’s recommended to get in touch with a lawyer at your earliest convenience. In Texas, most personal injury lawsuits have a statute of limitations of two years from the date of the accident. It’s important to keep this deadline in mind when considering legal action so your lawyers can start the process on time.

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A man sitting on a chair, looking outside the window
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Arlington Car Accident Lawyer: FAQs

1. Where do most car accidents happen?

Most car accidents tend to occur close to the homes of victims, often within neighborhoods or on rural roads. Intersections and parking lots are also frequent locations for vehicle collisions.

2. When do car accidents happen the most?

Car accidents can happen at any time, but certain times like rush hour traffic, weekend nights, and holidays often see a higher number of accidents due to increased traffic and, in some cases, increased alcohol consumption. Poor weather conditions, like heavy rain or fog, can also increase the risk of accidents by reducing visibility and making roads slippery.

3. What is considered an injury in a car accident?

Injuries from car accidents can range from minor cuts and bruises to catastrophic injuries. Even minor injuries should be taken seriously, as they can sometimes lead to long-term complications.

4. Does health insurance cover car accident injuries?

Health insurance typically covers injuries sustained in a car accident, but payment may depend on the type of health plan or other available insurance, such as car insurance. It’s important to review your health insurance policy to understand what is covered and what is not, and better yet, consult an attorney for help.

5. Who pays for car accident injuries?

In Texas, the driver responsible for the accident is typically liable for the damages, which is paid through their liability insurance coverage. Texas law mandates drivers to have liability insurance with minimum coverage limits to cover bodily injury and property damage.

6. How much does an Arlington car accident lawyer cost?

Most Arlington car accident lawyers operate on a contingency fee basis, which means you only pay attorney fees if you win your case. The contingency fee is usually a percentage of the settlement amount, typically between 33% and 40%.

7. How much does it cost to talk to a lawyer?

Most personal injury lawyers offer free consultations to potential clients. This means you can discuss your case with a lawyer, get an idea of what your case might be worth, and understand the legal process without any financial commitment.

After the initial consultation, if you choose to hire the lawyer, they will typically work on a contingency fee basis, which means you only pay if you win your case.

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Contact DFW Injury Lawyers For a Free Legal Consultation Today

If you’ve been in a car accident in Arlington, we at DFW Injury Lawyers encourage you to get in touch without delay. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll that a car accident can take, and we’re here to help. Our experienced lawyers can provide you with a free legal consultation to discuss your case and explore your options for compensation.

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